Annual Jubilee
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65th Jubilee Special Offer

65th Annual Jubilee / 4-6 October 2024
Hoover Middle School, San Jose

We are offering special pricing this year to first-time attendees.

Perhaps you just started square dancing in the last year. We hope you are enjoying what you have been learning and will be joining other local dancers at many events over the coming years.

Or perhaps you have been dancing for a long time but simply never had a chance to come come to Jubilee. We want to welcome you to give it a try!

Either way, you qualify for our special first-time attendee prices. You can proceed to our online registration system by checking a box and using the button below, or if you prefer to register by mail you can do so using the form on our first-time attendee flyer


I have never attended SCVSDA Jubilee because I started square dancing in the past year.

I'm not a new dancer but have not previously attended SCVSDA Jubilee.

(c) 2000-2019 Santa Clara Valley Square Dancers Association Email the Web Master

Last Updated 25 July 2025